Friday, July 18, 2014

Our Story

My husband Eddie and I met almost three years ago, on August 24, 2010. From the first time we met, we both knew instantly that we had finally found our soul mates.  At the time, he was 45 years old and I was 34.  We had both waited a long time to find each other.  But that didn't seem to matter as our love for each other grew day after day. Our friends and family really didn't know what to think at first.  On my end, everyone was used to seeing me as the single, carefree, unattached girl who loved living life spontaneously...lots of traveling, devoting my life to leading the Music Ministry at St. Paul's Catholic Church and presenting Women's Retreat Weekends.  Eddie's friends and family were cautious about him jumping into this relationship so quickly with me because they had seen him hurt in the past and didn't want him to end up hurt again.

But it didn't take everyone long to see that with each passing day, week and month, Eddie and I were perfect together. 

It was country boy meets city girl.  

Eddie loves tractors, hunting, being in the woods, sporting clays and living a simple life in the country.  I, on the other hand, love singing, going to live theater, traveling the world, golfing and being spontaneous.  However, the one thing we had in common from the beginning is a love for the Lord.  And as our love for each other grew, our love for God grew even stronger.  We both have a love and devotion for the Catholic Faith and that was a major commonality that drew us to each other as well.

Six months after we met, Eddie bought an engagement ring and on Valentines Day in 2011,  proposed to me in the living room of my apartment after asking my parents for their blessing the night before.  I said, "Yes!" with all of my heart.  

After a little more than a year of growing together and preparing for the sacred commitment we would make to each other, we were married at St. Paul's Church on a beautiful Saturday afternoon on June 9, 2012, surrounded by our family and friends.  It was the happiest day of my life.

Because we were "older," we didn't want to wait too long to start a family.  We waited for six months before we began trying to get pregnant because we wanted to enjoy being "just us" as a married couple for at least a little while.  After all, we waited long enough for it! 😊

And then, after six months of trying to conceive, I took a home pregnancy test when I returned home from presenting a Women's Weekend Retreat on Sunday, February 24, 2013.

And there was that glorious little plus sign!

Eddie was downstairs and heard me yelling out his name from the upstairs bathroom.  He came bounding up the steps as fast as he could, thinking that I was freaking out about another stink bug that needed to be disposed of.  When he got to the bathroom, I was standing there with a big grin, holding up the HPT stick with the bright blue plus sign for him to see!  With so much excitement, I said, "We're pregnant!"  He took me in his arms and hugged me so tightly and began to cry with happiness.  Once we let the reality sink in, we both grabbed our cell phones and called our parents!  They were so excited!

And thus began a journey of anticipation, joy, anxiety, fear, hope, sadness...but more than anything:  love.

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